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Monday, July 09, 2007


Nathan Wagner

What they really spoiled was a chance to capture and interact with an engaged audience.

Part of the solution is combining SMS with email communications ( The other is knowing exactly how you are connecting with your mobile campaign, and why it is so valuable to deliver rewarding content in return.

Angelo Fernando


Give me some examples of 'rewarding content.'

Nathan Wagner

Some examples of rewarding content:

- Information: the most valuable content when in search of it, or wanting more of it.

- Messaging that completes the connection from the call to action, promotes continued interaction (ex: a micro-website), or provides real-time opportunities to opt-in to the next big thing!

- Exclusive videos, music, or a collective report from linked sites (from around the world?)

- An second step opportunity to be rewarded with a prize, a one-of-a-kind golden ticket to be part of something special.

- A direct link to a 30 character URL, or direct links to blogs, wikis, and a social network.

- Other? Something so cool that the recipient / participant is going to tell a friend and pass it along.

Mike Artherton

Nice stuff... tough to keep track of all that is happening. I end up reading 100 odd blogs daily. Plus there is news. You could also enrich your blog by adding current news on your blog... try out the news widget from

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