Location-based social networking, geo-tagging using digital sticky notes (via a mobile phone), micro-blogging and tagging, via Twitter. Just a glimpse of the social media explosion that is taking marketing and communications into a whole new era.
I've just signed up with Twitter, that's going to change the game of mobile blogging.
Then there's Flagr.com, a way for mobile users to 'flag' a location by sending a text message (or image) that is tagged with a description to a map.
I've seen a lot of neat small-group uses of Twitter. From simply saving your own list of URLs (from a cell phone via text) to your Twitter site, so you could visit the link later, to adding an RSS feed of your favorite Twitter site. The technology has had so much potential that there's a Twitter screen at the South By Southwest conference going on in Austin, TX. My personal favorite is a Twitter site by BBC tech.