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Saturday, June 25, 2005



I have a bag of 12 of the HOPE FOR HALEY bracelets that I would like to return to the family or sponsers who are selling them. They somehow ended up in an order delivered to us by UPS. Have no idea how they got there as the item came from Colorado and we are in Blythe, CA. Contact me through e-mail or at (760) 922-7600.


you could auction or have the school she goes to throw a fundriaser or a dance and have them charge $5 a student and theres like 500 students so that comes to $2,500.or have a garage sale or car wash/ i like your idea to sale braclates you could sell hats and shirts or brownies or you could put those things they put in the mccdonalds for charity, well you could put one in a store or the front office at her school so when parents come they can drop money in.

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