Take a wild guess.
"In a world where no one is in charge and where governments have no monopoly on power, a kind of 'new medievalism' arises....a mesh of multiple authorities and competing loyalties arises, based on networked relationships."
Does it sound like:
Lawrence Lessig?Of course it does! This is the language appropriated by those in academia, the anti-globalization set, and several technologists.
Adbusters? (Or the MediaCarta site)
Vint Cerf?
But it's not. It's from a very corporate entity. More on this tomorrow.
I bring it up, because it (the idea of 'networked relationships') is something many companies may need to wake up to, as this one has.
Awww, I hate suspense!
Posted by: Steve Rubel | Tuesday, June 15, 2004 at 06:04 PM