Yesterday I wrote about why we shouldn’t get too upset at the direction Yahoo! And Google are taking.
There is another side to the search engine business that is fascinating. In the Web business, we call this ‘search engine optimization.’ This SEO business is a full-time operation, and it no longer involves plugging your URL into a search engine every two weeks, and hoping for the best. Let’s face it, Yahoo!, Google, Dogpile, Lycos, and Alta Vista are the Yellow Pages of the 21st century.
I attended an AMA meeting in March in Phoenix, and picked up some useful tips from the CEO/presenter of Cybermark. Listening to how big it's got, I can see SEO companies morphing into a kind of ad agency you never thought you’d need.
Here are some gems:
• 87% of Web traffic comes from Search Engines.
• A ‘key word’ that you can bid for on Google can be a 4-word string.
• One smart way to get your web site found and indexed by a search engine, is to use key words that define your business on every page of your site.
• Use too many key words on a Web page and you could get ordered off the island by a search engine!
Good Tip:
Have a site map link on every page of your Web site. Search Engines love it!