“Now you're ready to tame the vast wilderness of the Web.”
Can you guess which site this statement was culled from? It’s not a search engine. It’s not a news aggregator. It’s from a site called ‘SaveThis’. A pretty useful spot where you can save your favorites, and can access them anywhere, from any PC. Click here: www.Savethis.com/
What biz will they be in?
And while we’re complaining that "it’s a jungle out there,” consider this: What business are the following companies in? Dmoz, Fast, Inktomi, Alltheweb.
They are part of that ever-evolving ‘search’ business more or less owned by brands such as Yahoo!, Google, Alta Vista and Lycos.
But do we really know what business they are in? What business will these one-time search engines and indexes be in, one year from now? We have seen how fast Google and Yahoo! Have moved into the advertising and email space within the last few months. Google is into Blogs. (Blogger.com is a Google property) and even allows you to do a product search on a cell phone! (a ‘Froogle’ service in beta test mode.) Yahoo! allows you to download screen-savers to a cell phone, etc. So it’s possible that areas as diverse as music, or custom publishing may be sucked in. I’ll be watching. Let me know if you spot any clues.
Indeed, Search Engines have relationships!
To find out their not-so subtle relationships, click here for a neat, interactive, map.
Looking for blogs, or a blog directory? Find them on Blog Search Engine.